2010 m. rugsėjo 22 d., trečiadienis

Psychology of handwriting

Handwriting analysis is a hobby that not many people have heard of. Yet it has been used for lots of things, from a neat party trick to helping in a murder investigation, handwriting analysis has a lot of potential. It has been debated over the years just how much handwriting analysis should be used as evidence for convicting someone. Handwriting involves both emotional and physical energy. Not unlike body language, handwriting can say a lot about a person and handwriting analysis is sometimes used in settings you might not expect such as workplaces and in legal situations.

Handwriting can reveal an aspect of yourself that you are trying to conceal, even from yourself.

The size of your handwriting is simply linked to the size of your own confident handling, or not of your own life. The smallness of writing, and your utilising a style which is smaller than normal in the size of your lettering, is a sign that you are wanting to hide your true self away, and diminish what you show of yourself to others. Writing slanted strongly to the right is a sign of an emotional nature. The more strongly the slant to the right the more emotional and open you might expect this person to be. Strongly left slanted writing indicates a person indicates a person who doesn't share emotions easily and tends to keep their feeling to themselves. Writing whose slant is primarily upright shows a person whose mind rules their heart and tends to control their emotions.

These are just a few of the many traits considered when analyzing a handwriting sample. Handwriting analysis is considered a soft science since there is no way to empirically prove these conclusions, however I found it very accurate when analyzing my own and others handwriting.


http://www.helium.com/items/1240137-handwriting-analysis (2010-09-22)

http://www.helium.com/items/846497-tips-for-analyzing-peoples-handwriting (2010-09-22)

http://www.helium.com/items/1591619-how-to-interpret-handwriting (2010-09-22)

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSKfVcvdMYTZc1-9KHtk7xr2APMyK2FpVagy80Jy7LddujBuX8&t=1&usg=__O-GsksOZWhZcD17S_VpwFHsCQM8= (2010-09-22)

1 komentaras:

  1. Handwriting can be a way to choose the best subject you will need in a university because it will read all your destiny. degree in counseling
