2010 m. lapkričio 30 d., antradienis


I have been learning English language for specific purposes for three semestre. I am very glad that I had been learned various skills. I would observe these activities and tasks: writing, listening, power point presentation (PPP), speaking, ESP vocabulary tests, boggler’s writing and “Moodle” tests.

Writing We were learned to write a summary. I believe that my skills of writing in English are better than it was earlier. Regrettably I am still doing few mistakes in my summaries. Finding the main points of the text and write without errors is still hard for me.

Listening I think that this class activity is still one of the hard tasks to me. One of them is online listening and the other – traditional listening. I find it more difficult to do traditional listening. than online listening I think the reason is that in online listening is more exercises but it is more interesting. Sometimes I very enjoy make listening.

Power point presentation (PPP) I enjoyed preparing my Power Point presentation because I had an opportunity to get deeper into psychology science. I think that my last presentation is better than the previous because after my first and second presentation I got some useful remarks.

ESP vocabulary tests We had the same tasks in the first and second semesters so I have experience and I really improve my results because I understood how to do it exactly. But I think results could be better if I take more efforts.

Blogger’s writing There are also a new exercise for us. I found it quite interesting. Sometime it was a little bit hard to find a good information from the internet or other references.

“Moodle” tests We had to do moodle tests of all modules in every week. I think I could do tests better than it is but I try to do my best. This task is not new in this semester so it is easier than it was earlier. It not very hard for me because I make this task at home.

In the end, I may say that there are some points which need to be improved, but that is why we are studying. Also, I think that I should improve my English skills more and more because this speech is very widely used.

2010 m. lapkričio 5 d., penktadienis

Behavior disorders

Behavior disorders (sometimes referred to as disruptive behavior disorders) are the most common reasons children are referred for mental health evaluations and treatment. All disruptive behavior is not the same. Behavior disorders include mental health problems with a focus on behaviors that both identify emotional problems and create interpersonal and social problems for children and adolescents in the course of their development.

The most common behavior disorder in children is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Oppositional defiant disorder is yet another behavior disorder that focuses on the behavior that is disruptive to relationships with others.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. ADHD is the most commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children, affecting about 3% to 5% of children globally and diagnosed in about 2% to 16% of school aged children. It is a chronic disorder with 30% to 50% of those individuals diagnosed in childhood continuing to have symptoms into adulthood. ADHD is diagnosed two to four times as frequently in boys as in girls, though studies suggest this discrepancy may be due to subjective bias of referring teachers.

People who have it may appear very stubborn. Temper tantrums, stealing, bullying, and vandalism are some of key symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder. ODD children may present as negative, defiant, unable to take "no" for an answer, deliberately annoying others, easily annoyed themselves, or blaming others for all that goes wrong. The child's behavior often disrupts the child's normal daily activities, including activities within the family and at school.

Every child faces emotional difficulties from time to time, as do adults. Feelings of sadness or loss and extremes of emotions are part of growing up. Conflicts between parents and children are also inevitable as children struggle from the "terrible two' s" through adolescence to develop their own identities. These are normal changes in behavior due to growth and development. Such problems can be more common in times of change for the family - the death of a grandparent or family member, a new child. a move to the city. Generally, these kinds of problems tend to fade on their own or with limited visits to a counselor or other mental health professional as children adjust to the changes in their lives. At times, however, some children may develop inappropriate emotional and behavioral responses to situations in their lives that persist over time.

The realization that a child's behavior needs professional attention can be painful or frightening to parents who have tried to support their child, or it may be accepted and internalized as a personal failure by the parent.




